Guidelines for Management of Fetal Renal Pelvic Dilatation

1) A renal pelvic measurement greater than 5mm at the anomaly scan should prompt a careful search for other chromosomal markers.

2) If the renal pelvic measurement is 5.1-9.9mm - the fetus should be rescanned between 32-34 weeks.

3) If the renal pelvic measurement at the 32-34 weeks ultrasound scan is:

a) < 7mm - no further action is required antenatally or postnatally

b) > 7mm - an ultrasound scan should be arranged for the infant, 72 hours or more after delivery.

4) If the renal pelvic measurement is greater than 10 mm (at any gestation) the situation may be discussed with the Fetal Medicine Unit at the R.V.I: 0191 282 5837 who may be able to offer the patient an appointment at the Joint Perinatal Renal Clinic

5) A NorCAS notification form should be submitted for all cases of renal pelvic dilatation > 10mm

Local paediatricians should be notified of cases of fetal renal abnormalities.  Obstetricians are encouraged to check that local paediatricians are aware of best practice in this field.   

This guideline was drawn up by the Special Interest Group in Maternal/Fetal Medicine, Northern deanery. Queries about this guideline or problems arising from its use should be directed to Mr. S. Bober, West Cumberland Hospital Tel: 01946 523215
Date of guideline January 2001 Reviewed January 2007